Sometimes in a client’s financial life they may experience temporary difficulties in their finances be it due to illness , redundancy , marital breakdown , or economic downturn. As part of our overall ability to look after our clients , we can offer advice in this area should any of our clients fall into such difficulties. We are experienced and qualified in this area , one of only approx. 50 firms in Ireland who are regulated by The Central Bank of Ireland to provide Debt Management Services to Consumers. Three of our Advisors in FOH Financial Ltd , are specially qualified in the area of Debt Management & Frances O’Hanlon also qualified as a PIP (Personal Insolvency Practitioner)
As part of brokering a solution to your difficulties , we will fully assess your financial circumstances, issue a Statement of Advice to you with our suggested solutions to resolve any issues ,whilst highlighting the benefits and any implications for you. If you agree, we can then endeavour to deliver these solutions on your behalf by contacting the Bank etc . Don’t forget we work for you, not your Creditors or Bank but we will endeavour to agree a plan that is realistic, sustainable for you and hopefully agreeable to all parties.